Grandma & her Bidayuh Horse Warrior Ancestors

Source: The story of Bidayuh horse warrior was first told by my late Bidayuh maternal grandma. When I was around 10, I was quite attached to Grandma especially during school holidays. I would stay with Grandma in Poh Kwang Park in Kuching 3 or 4 weeks either with my younger sister or myself, or together with Uncle Lim’s kids whom Grandma were taking care of when he was in Bintulu. Uncle Lim worked with MAS where he was constantly been posted outstations especially to earlier remote Bintulu township where airport was in the middle of the town itself! As he still preferred to make Kuching as their permanent home, as such, he did not want some of his older kids to relocate with him as he moved to outstations. As usual to my late paternal Grandpa in my earlier childhood, Grandma main hobby or sole entertainment at that time in the 1970’s, was going for Cathay’s movies near the Kuching Central Bus Station. Popular movies at that time were from Bollywood, Wester...