Bladder Stones

I spent a lot of my time with my grandpa from 10 to 13. He was from China and he told me lots of China stories like how his own grandpa bribed to get a local magistrate post and other wonderful stories he had in China. I wondered why he still wanted to migrate here if he was so wonderful.

A lot of people were suffering from bladder stone in the old days especially modern medical treatment was not available. He once told me about a man who was suffering from bladder stone.

As I had heard, at one time, there was a man who had suffered from bladder stone for some time, and every time as his bladder started to fill up he cried like a helpless baby, and pain only subsided after dripping off all urine.

There was this lady, not sure how she came about in the scene, who noticed the man suffering and watched him helplessly every time the man cried.

Of course, things were getting worse and worse, not much could be done, and one day the man cried and fought again, the lady watched and finally she boldly jumped to him and held his genitals and sucked out the stones.

From then on, the man recovered and they got married and lived happily ever after.
My granpa told me the same story many times, looked like he was telling the true story!


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